Category RSLP-G


{"facets":[],"faceted_search_enabled":false,"products":[{"id":11656,"sku":"RSLP-G","name":"Extendable Ladder Safety Post - Hot Dip Galvanized - JL Industries","url":"","brand":{"name":"JL Industries"},"availability":"4 - 5 Weeks","summary":"Extendable Ladder Safety Post - JL Industries\r\nThe RSLP-G Spring-Balanced Ladder Post is a safety telescoping post that enables the user to step on or off a fixed ladder through a roof hatch in a safe standing position while holding onto the bar. It also...","image":{"data":"{:size}/products/11656/89885/jl-industries-extendable-ladder-safety-post-hot-dip-galvanized-jl-industries__84981.1687026843.jpg?c=2","alt":"JL Industries Extendable Ladder Safety Post - Hot Dip Galvanized - JL Industries "},"qty_in_cart":0,"pre_order":false,"has_options":false,"show_cart_action":false,"stock_level":null,"low_stock_level":null,"weight":{"formatted":"23.00 LBS","value":23},"demo":false,"date_added":"5th Apr 2023","add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=11656","custom_fields":[{"id":709285,"name":"Product Spec Sheet","value":""},{"id":709286,"name":"Door Size","value":"\""},{"id":709287,"name":"Rough Opening Size","value":"NA"},{"id":709288,"name":"Material","value":"Galvanized Steel"},{"id":709289,"name":"Brand","value":"JL Industries"},{"id":709290,"name":"#YoutubeVideo","value":"NA"},{"id":709291,"name":"Application","value":"Roof"}],"images":[{"data":"{:size}/products/11656/89885/jl-industries-extendable-ladder-safety-post-hot-dip-galvanized-jl-industries__84981.1687026843.jpg?c=2","alt":"JL Industries Extendable Ladder Safety Post - Hot Dip Galvanized - JL Industries "},{"data":"{:size}/products/11656/90109/jl-industries-extendable-ladder-safety-post-hot-dip-galvanized-jl-industries__74515.1687027164.jpg?c=2","alt":"JL Industries Extendable Ladder Safety Post - Hot Dip Galvanized - JL Industries "},{"data":"{:size}/products/11656/89951/jl-industries-extendable-ladder-safety-post-hot-dip-galvanized-jl-industries__27430.1687026915.jpg?c=2","alt":"JL Industries Extendable Ladder Safety Post - Hot Dip Galvanized - JL Industries "},{"data":"{:size}/products/11656/90474/jl-industries-extendable-ladder-safety-post-hot-dip-galvanized-jl-industries__97713.1687027793.jpg?c=2","alt":"JL Industries Extendable Ladder Safety Post - Hot Dip Galvanized - JL Industries "}],"rating":null,"num_reviews":null,"price":{"without_tax":{"formatted":"$0.00","value":0,"currency":"USD"},"tax_label":"Tax"},"category":["JL Industries","JL Industries/Model Number/RSLP-G","Model Number/RSLP-G","Products/Roof & Floor Hatches","Products/Roof & Floor Hatches/Material/Galvanized Steel","Products/Ladders","Products/Roof & Floor Hatches/Application/Roof/Safety","Products/Ladders/Shop By Size/42\"","Shop By Size/Ladders/42\"","Products/Ladders/Type/Safety","Products/Ladders/Material/Galvanized steel","Products/Roof & Floor Hatches/Brand/JL Industries","Products/Ladders/Application/Safety","Products/Ladders/Brand/JL Industries","Products/Roof & Floor Hatches/Shop By Model Number/RSLP-G","Products/Ladders/Shop By Model Number/RSLP-G"]}],"selected":[],"meta":[],"state":[],"config":[],"total_products":1,"detail_messages":[],"show_compare":1,"search_error":[],"id":8092,"url":"","name":"RSLP-G","description":"<p>Here at Access Doors and Panels, we always strive to offer reliable and long-lasting products &ndash; that&rsquo;s why we are proud to introduce the innovative RSLP-G Spring-Balanced Ladder Post to help address your access door needs!</p>\r\n<p>The RSLP series is a fantastic innovation created to provide extendable ladder safety posts. They&rsquo;re safe and convenient to use, and installation is a breeze. These exclusive features make the RSLP-G popular in the North American Commercial Construction industry and a brilliant addition to your business!</p>\r\n<p>In addition to its features, the RSLP-G&rsquo;s innovative design allows contractors and even you to work faster and easier with its telescoping safety post, adjustable mounting, spring-balanced safety post, and a preassembled ladder.</p>\r\n<p><strong>Reasons to choose the RSLP-G:</strong></p>\r\n<ul>\r\n<li>Easy installation and removal</li>\r\n<li>Superb entering and exit assistance for the user</li>\r\n<li>An overall safe ladder post for hatches</li>\r\n</ul>\r\n<p><strong>Call Us Today!&nbsp;</strong></p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\">Why Choose Access Doors and Panels</a>? Because we are your reliable source of practical and handy access panels for your walls, ceilings, floors, and even your roofing system. We understand your access and security needs, so you can always talk to our expert product specialists and <a href=\"\">apply for credit</a>! Call us at (800)-609-2917 and experience our excellent products and services!</p>\r\n<p><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img class=\"__mce_add_custom__\" title=\"download-button.jpg\" src=\"\" alt=\"download button\" width=\"123\" height=\"31\" /></a></p>","image":{"data":"{:size}/m/rslp-g - main__61417.original.jpg","alt":"RSLP-G"},"subcategories":[]}

Here at Access Doors and Panels, we always strive to offer reliable and long-lasting products – that’s why we are proud to introduce the innovative RSLP-G Spring-Balanced Ladder Post to help address your access door needs!

The RSLP series is a fantastic innovation created to provide extendable ladder safety posts. They’re safe and convenient to use, and installation is a breeze. These exclusive features make the RSLP-G popular in the North American Commercial Construction industry and a brilliant addition to your business!

In addition to its features, the RSLP-G’s innovative design allows contractors and even you to work faster and easier with its telescoping safety post, adjustable mounting, spring-balanced safety post, and a preassembled ladder.

Reasons to choose the RSLP-G:

  • Easy installation and removal
  • Superb entering and exit assistance for the user
  • An overall safe ladder post for hatches

Call Us Today! 

Why Choose Access Doors and Panels? Because we are your reliable source of practical and handy access panels for your walls, ceilings, floors, and even your roofing system. We understand your access and security needs, so you can always talk to our expert product specialists and apply for credit! Call us at (800)-609-2917 and experience our excellent products and services!

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