JLCL-FLT Clear Vu Flat Trim Fire Cabinet -JL
The JL Industries Clear Vu Bubble series offers fire extinguisher cabinets that combine a modern design with practical storage and protection. Our JLCL-FLT Clear Vu Flat Trim Fire Cabinet features an innovative acrylic glass panel with 180-degree visibility to extinguishers, perfect for high traffic and busy spaces. JLCL-FLT installs with a low profile and flat trim recessed finish that is ADA-compliant.
Get a Better View:
- Glazed panel doors for 180-degree visibility
- Standard pull handle for a sturdy grip
- 2-½" extinguisher projection
- Equipped with a 5/8” doorstop
- Multiple options for trim and door styles
- Strong, durable construction
- The acrylic bubble comes in various colors
- Fully customizable with lock assemblies
- Designed for aesthetic, recessed installations
- ADA Compliant.
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