FLDA - DL Series - Angled Floor Door
The FLDA Angled floor door comes with a double-leaf version that is designed to be corrosion free. It features a non-slip diamond plate surface for an aesthetically pleasing finish after installation. To ensure safe and convenient access to your building's internal components, choose the FLDA-angled floor door with a double leaf.
The double leaf feature lessens the risk of injury by limiting the door swing's radius when opened. The door is made of a reinforced ¼" diamond aluminum plate with a ¼" extruded aluminum frame. This floor door can support a live load of 300 psf with 18-8 stainless steel bolts, nuts, and washers.
The FLDA-DL comes with a standard stainless steel slam latch, a flush key operator for its exterior, and a handle opener for its interior. It will also include a removable stainless 18-8 threaded plug, a 5/16" steel square key, and a standard mill finish with a bituminous coating.
Benefits of Choosing the FLDA- DL
- Double doors
- Easy installation
- Durable and Safe
- Convenient and Secure
- Live load of 300 psf
When it comes to floor door openings and access, you can always count on Access Doors and Panels. Learn more about our products by dialing (800) 609-2917 to speak to our product expert directly. We can customize an access panel or door to meet your needs.