This E-20VM Steel Ladder Access Roof Hatch from Bilco is engineered with a compression spring to provide smooth and effortless one-hand operation, regardless of its size. It features an automatic hold open arm lock in the cover in an open position to ensure safe access and a heavy gauge latching mechanism to maintain building security.
It is perfect for providing safe access to the roofing system, especially during a periodic or regular inspection and maintenance of the roofing system itself or other valuable building components on the rooftop, such as an HVAC system. This door is applicable in residential or commercial buildings.
Whenever your project requires installing E-20VM Steel Ladder Access Roof Hatch from Bilco, don’t forget to visit the most reliable access doors dealer, Access Doors And Panels, or call us at 1-800-609-2917 for more details. We also accept customized size requests of the E-20VM Steel Ladder Access Roof Hatch to suit your project needs.
Once you place your order from us, expect our product to arrive at its destination within five business days.