Category BSVLB-D


The BSVLB-D Double Door LightMAX Smoke Vent is a highly reliable and efficient smoke and heat ventilation solution in commercial and industrial buildings. The double-door design features a sturdy steel curb with an aluminum cover, allowing faster and more efficient evacuation of smoke and toxic gases during a fire. Its advanced design, customizable options, and compliance with industry standards make it an excellent choice for architects, contractors, and building owners. 

Reason to choose BSVLB-D: 

  • LightMAX cover  
  • Steel curb construction  
  • UL is listed   
  • IBC, IRC, and NFPA standards 
  • Available in various sizes  
  • Standard 5-year warranty 

Upgrade Now! 

Be sure to upgrade your smoke and heat ventilation system immediately. Choose the BSVLB-D Double Door LightMAX Smoke Vent and enjoy its energy-saving benefits and enhanced performance. Contact us today at (800) 609-2917 to learn more and get started on your project. 
