
Category Acudor


Enjoy Versatility, Peace of Mind, and Enhanced Access with One of the Industry's Most Trusted Brands!  

With over 40 years of providing secure and efficient access to walls, ceilings, rooftops, and surfaces below ground, Acudor is an established industry leader. Boasting one of the most extensive lists of access solutions available, Acudor offers premium product lines ranging from:

  • Acudor Access Doors and Panels: Acudor's innovation extends from their premium fire-rated access doors to secure duct doors and even stealth access doors and security doors. With constructions ranging from steel to aluminum or glass fiberglass, these access doors are ideally suited for drywall, masonry, plaster, and tile for a clean, flush finish.
  • Acudor Roof Hatches: Acudor roof hatches maintain high safety standards with longevity. Ladder, ship stair, service stair, and equipment access is always hassle-free, with gas-spring lift assistance and hold-open arms standard on all models. Where added insulation is necessary, check out Acudor's thermally broken models!
  • Acudor Automatic Smoke Vents: Whether you require single-leaf or double-leaf ventilation capabilities, robust galvanized steel, or lightweight aluminum, Acudor has you covered. All double-leaf models feature a U.L. listed 165° fusible link, with a weathertight EPDM seal and an automatic release mechanism standard on all models.

  • Acudor Floor Hatches: Count on Acudor's diamond-plated, load-bearing covers ranging from 150 psf to 300 psf and H20-load-rated options. Acudor builds its models for functionality and concealment with recessed, ceramic tile, vinyl, and carpet insert-ready models. Where element and weatherproof access is required, Acudor offers flood and odor-resistant solutions.

Ideally Suited for Any Setting  

Acudor's diverse range of products comes in a variety of sizes; however, we also accommodate custom requests. Access Doors and Panels is committed to clarifying any questions or inquiries.

Reach out to our knowledgeable product experts at 1-800-609-2917; we are here to help! If you are in the early stages of your next project, take our product quiz to identify the best products for the job!